Tuesday 3 November 2009

Evaluating Sean's magazine.

•The picture matches the theme because the picture is in a circle and the theme has little circles in pink and purple all around the page.
•Were the little circles over lap each other the writing which is over top of them doesn't stand out as well as it would if it was all on one colour.
•The masthead stands out but it looks a little weird how is slopes downwards.
•The picture matches the puffs as the picture is of a girl standing next to a broken machine and the puff is about the broken machine.
•The writing hasn’t changed he hasn’t been adventurous about the style of writing.
•He hasn’t used the colour scheme for both sex’s e.g.. Blue and pink. He has only used girly colours pink and purple as black doesn’t really have a side.
•Clear date and price.

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