Wednesday 4 November 2009


•When I looked at Taran’s magazine front cover, it wasn’t too feminine and it looked very natural. However the writing was too small and weren’t as colourful as the poofs were. The poofs really stood out more comparing to the writing. The images blended in together and the rest of the magazine was very good. I thought it was appropriate for everyone for it looked very bright and everything blended in together.

•Sam’s contents page was very out standing. The colours were the same as the front cover and they were very contrasting.

•Sean's front cover was made more out standing by the circles that filled almost half of the page. The mast head wasn’t very good because he made it fade away and the strap line looked more like a mast head because the text size was very big and also very colourful, which I thought should have applied to the masthead instead.

•When I looked at my own magazine front cover, I thought that it was really colourful and is very ideal for a school magazine. The image was positioned well even though it took almost half of the magazine. The text size and colour made the whole front cover stand out more. I don’t really think that I made a brand but I thought it looked very different from others. When it comes to the audience I thought it was appropriate for all ages and everyone who wants to read it. It really encourages pupils to make the best use of the library and I made the poofs very nice and simple in their own territory. The rest of the magazine is very simple and colourful.

•By looking at the magazines together I thought everybody’s was really good in so many different ways.

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