Friday 6 November 2009

Evaluation of Kristina's Magazine

On Kristina's front cover she has got a few faults but overall it seems quite good.
•Colours – the colours of her magazine are quite bright and go well with each other, but on some of her bubbles she has made the colour of them sort of cancels out the writing that goes over them.
•Image – the image she has got on her front cover looks really good because its is a large picture so it catches the readers eye and also she has inserted the image into a circle so that it looks more unique.
•Text – her choice in font for her front cover is a little bit plain and boring also the writing could have done with being a little bit bigger or bolder to make it stand out more to the reader. She has placed the writing around the picture and also the writing is talking about the picture so the way she has done this is very good. In her puffs she could have made them a little bit shorter so that they don’t give to much away to the reader and it would also make the writing fit better on the page.
•Photography – the picture she has took is very good quality, there is no blur around the image and you can see clearly what the picture is.
•Brand – Kristina's magazine is for Frank F Harrison school i know this because of the mast head and the logo in the top right hand corner.

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