Tuesday 3 November 2009

Evaluating Tarran's Magazine Front Cover

After looking at Tarran’s magazine front cover I thought that overall it is a good magazine. I think that the colour scheme is good as it looked professional and had only 3 colours this is good as it didn’t over power the magazine. The colours are very neutral and unisex, they are not just aimed at one sex. The only down fall is that the puffs could be shorter as they are quiet long winded. Also the text in the puffs could have been in capitals so that they stand out from the stars. Also that the Donate for shoes for Africa didn’t stand out as the foot prints are going through it, also the font could be changed so that the text is easier to read. Tarran’s text colours are relevant to the magazine as they are school colours and it is a school magazine. Tarran's photography is relevant to her puffs as they match in terms of meaning, for example one of Tarran's photographs is of a year 11 pupil doing his art work and her puff relates to the image as it talks about an art fair year 11 art students will be attending. I Feel that a band was created as the font she used for her masterhead and placing the logo were she did if you saw that on an advert you would know that it is a school magazine as it stands out from the rest of the front cover. I feel that this magazine is appropriate for its use as a school magazine. The magazine is aimed at the right aged audience as it is a secondary school magazine it has a professional feel to it.

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