Thursday, 22 October 2009
Auto Express, Teenagers and men aged between 15-40
• - Fry-ups, toast, cereal.
• - They might et a fry-up if they don't care about their weight or if there not bothered what they look like.
• - They might eat cereal and toast to keep themselves healthy as they might care what they look like, and how healthy they are.
• What car/mode of transport do they use?
• - A wide range of cars because there is a range of cars at a range of different prices in the magazine.
• What accommodation do they live in?
• - Depending on their job they may live in a house, apartment, flat, etc.
• What do they drink?
• - Tea, Coffee, fizzy drinks, water depending on their diet and if they want to be healthy or not.
• What TV shows do they watch?
• -Car shows, Top Gear, Traffic Cops, Football, Match of the day.
• What music do they listen to?
• - They listen to any type of music depending on their age. For example;
• - Younger readers may listen to drum n bass or music from the charts depending on there interests.
• - Older readers might listen to music in the charts or classical music depending on how much older they are and there interests.
•What is their favourite?
• - Depending on the age. They might eat KFC, McDonalds, Burger King if they are young but the older men may still like those foods but are more likely to eat out at pubs and restaurants
•What sports do they do or watch?
• - Football, racing, cricket
•Who is their partner or are they single?
• -Could be either depending on their age.
•Where do they go on holiday?
• -Depending on age:
• -younger people; ibiza,benidorm
- older people; Cornwall, benidorm
•Do they vote?
• -Depending on age younger people might not but older people might
•What type of pub/club/bar do they go to?
Older people might go to a posh restaurants, pubs, bars
Younger people may go to the clubs in town or local pubs.
My magazine
My magazine
Look Magazine
OK Magazine
My magazine
My magazine
Glamour Magazine
•The text is bold and pink which catches the eye of the women, the bold pink text also tells use that there's going to be clothes, shoes and accessories inside which makes women glamorous.
•Strapline- Britain's No1 woman's magazine.
•Sensationalism- Your 50,000 votes are in! The woman of the year.
•-Kate Perry an who she's NOT sleeping with!
•- The new sex addiction. 4 million relationships are at risk. Is yours?
•Its is a glossy magazine.
•Bias- No its a range but it is slightly bias towards Katy Perry and the other Celebs about what they wear or do.
My magazine
Hot of the press definitions
•Unexpectedness- is it rare or unexpected?
•Continuity- has the story already been defined as news and covered previously? Will it have on going Impact?
•Threshold or size- Is it a big event or one which involves large numbers of people.
•Frequency- what length of time does the event cover? Will it fit the broadcast/publication schedule?
•Immediacy- Has it happened recently?
•Personalisation- Does it focus on a particular person? Is it a human interest story?
•Unambiguity- is the event straight forward and easy to understand?
•Consonance- Does the event match the media expectations
•Reference to the élite- Does the story cover a powerful nation, organization or person? The more famous or powerful the more newsworthy
•Composition- Will it balance other news? A human survival story world balance a number of stories concerning death or suffering
•Meaningfulness- Is it culturally close to us in Britain? How much meaning does it have for the audience?
My magazine
My magazine
Broadsheet newspaper
•Political stories, world affairs, real news
•More Factual than a tabloid newspaper
•Aimed at a middle class and upper class audience
•Contains Sports such as cricket, but more on politics
•Front page- more stories, real news, smaller heading.
•Formal master head.
Tabloid Newspaper
•Colour & Layout
•Master head is bigger and bolder than the broadsheet
•Sensationalism- Celebes, war, page 3
•Paparazzi photos
•The sun, The Daily star- male audience
•A lot of sports
•They Pick You Up and knock you down
•Less Formal Language, more sensational language
•Use Pun’s- Play on words
Magazine 7
Magazine 6
Magazine 5
Magazine 4
Magazine 3
Magazine 2
colour to a light grey, using the greyscale tool at the top of the page.
Wednesday, 21 October 2009
Tuesday, 20 October 2009
Contents Page
After looking at my first trial I then decided to take off the picture of the dancers as I had already got a picture of them on my front page, I then decided to move the footballers group photo to the bottom rather than the top, I then replaced that with a picture of myself the editor and a space for the blurb. I also added age numbers so that it makes it easier to get to the specific story they might want to read.
I then moved the image slightly up the page so that it caught the attention of the readers and so it looked more professional, I then added my blurb. I added the blurb so that it tells you about the editor and what the magazine is about. I then moved the date from vertical to horizontal so that it fits across the bottom of the page and is easier to read.
Contents Page For Buzz News Magazine
Here is the final contents page which I have created and I carried the theme from my front cover over on to my contents page so that the theme flows through and creates the same affect. I put a blurb also onto this page to say who the editor is and what this will deliver to the reader. i used a different layout to what i planned but i find the layout works well. i carried the footprints throught to this page as i thought it would help the theme alot more as the donate your old shoes is one of the main articles featured in this magaxine i have created and added a picture of the donate your shoes poster. i numbered my pages to make it alot more professional and effitcive to the viewers eye and easy to read.
Friday, 16 October 2009
Buzz Magazine Final Cover Redone
This was the cover i created which i was going to use as the final piece but then i decided to play around with it and came up with an even better one than this. The final piece is shown below.
Magazine front cover
•I started off with the idea of a dance show and a reading compotation as my main topics of the magazine I then went and took some images to do with my subjects I had chosen. I then decided to use the colours of the school (red, black and white) as it is a school magazine, I came up with this first trial front cover , but after looking at it I then realised that if I removed the bar code it would look more like a poster then a magazine.
•After realising this I then added a small caption under the master head, which now makes it look more like a magazine than a poster. I am now happy with my magazine and I am going to use this trial one other than my first one, this is because I feel that the masterhead is in a good position and can be easily seen. I also feel that my images are places well and are not to over powering, I also think that my puffs are not to over powering as I only have a few which are relevant to the images on the page.
Wednesday, 14 October 2009
Answer 1
Answer 2
Answer 3
Answer 4
Answer 5
Answer 6
Answer 7
Answer 8
Answer 9
Answer 10
If so how?
Answer 1
They have given us a common room and let us out of school grounds in free lessons
Answer 2
They have given us a common room and let us out of school grounds in free lessons
Answer 3
Answer 4
Answer 5
They let us leave lesson early sometimes.
Answer 6
Answer 7
Answer 8
We can leave lessons early
Answer 9
Free lessons
Answer 10
Do you think that there’s enough help to pre pare you for going to a level from GCSE?
Answer 1
Answer 2
Answer 3
Answer 4
Answer 5
Answer 6
Answer 7
Answer 8
Answer 9
Answer 10
If so how did they help?
Answer 1
Told us what’s expected and showed us different styles of work from other years.
Answer 2
Told us what’s expected and showed us different styles of work from other years.
Answer 3
They didn’t because they didn’t check who had and hadn’t had meetings.
Answer 4
Meetings to talk about our future.
Answer 5
Answer 6
Answer 7
Answer 8
Answer 9
Answer 10
Front Cover Finished Piece
This is the final cover of the school magazine i have created. the first time i started it the colours were very over powering and colourful so i changed them to more of a plain theme. i used a white background and red and white writing and stars, i also added the schools logo on the cover to show it is part of the school and called it Buzz News. i put the schools slogon under neath the masterhead and added a website address for students to find the magazine. i faded the edges of the pictures to help blend into the white background to make it look more professional.
My Finished Front Page
I started off by using my mock up front page that i had made, i then changed the colours as they were to over powering as they were very bright. i then changed the colours and made them more related to the school so i changed the colours to red black and white. i then added pictures off things that are happening around school, for example reading competitions and dance shows. I then came up with the name Frankie's news, I then added the school logog as it is a school magazine.
Friday, 9 October 2009
Putting the light in
Combining the two pictures
Photo Plus Transparent
I have got two pictures from the internet that represents the theme of my band which is drum and bass and I have put the two pictures on top of each other and made one transparent and put them on top of each other to create one picture.
Year 7,
Do you read magazines?
What Type of Magazines Do You Like?
Why Do You Buy That Magazine?
Because he likes football
Do You Read the Magazine in Depth or Do You Skim Read it?
What do You Expect to Find in The magazine you have brought?
Did they win or lose
Do you pick the magazine because it stands out from the others?
Do You Buy the Magazine because of its reputation or because it looks interesting?
Do you buy the magazine depending on price?
If yes what price are you willing to pay?
Do You Follow the tips inside the magazine?
How many times a month do you buy magazines?
What would you most like to see in a school magazine?
Games, about footy teams
Year 7
Real life, fashion
Because there interesting
Skim reads
Gossip, Stories, Pictures
The bold titles
Looks interesting
What’s happening, fashion tips.
Year 7
Keeps her occupied
Read in depth
Read text, play games, looks at images
No, because she always reads that magazine
Looks interesting
Gossip, Fashion tips, games
Year 7
For the stories
In depth
Stories, gossip about the players
Colourful titles
When holidays are, games, info on footy teams
Year 8
Something to read
Looks for interesting pages(skim)
Clothes, pictures of celebrities
Pictures and bold colourful headings
Every2 weeks
Fashion tips. Games
Year 10
Fashion tips, clothes, accessories
Colours and pictures
Fashion, gossip
Year 11
Look at the pictures
Pictures of cars
Heading and main picture
Year 12
Real life and gossip
No, because its good
Year 12
Footy news
Pictures bold headings
Media Terms
Audience – The group for whom a media text is intended.
Bias – Prejudice in favour of or against something.
Broadsheet – A serious paper aimed at professional upmarket people, previously in a large format but now mostly compact.
Connotation – Meaning which is suggested by a media text.
Deconstruct – To take apart / analyse.
Denotation – The intended meaning of media text; what a text shows or represents.
Editorial – A newspaper article written by or on behalf of the editor which gives an opinion on a topical issue.
Genre – Group of texts that share certain characteristics; classification.
Masthead – The title of a newspaper article written by or on behalf of the editor which gives an opinion on a topical issue.
Narrative – The way in which a story is told in both fictional and non-fictional media texts.
Objectives – Not influenced by personal feelings.
Representation – How the media shows us the ‘real world’.
Sensationalism – Exciting or shocking reportage which is intended to interest the public, without necessarily being accurate.
Structure – In newspapers, the way an article is organised.
Subjective – based on or influenced by personal feelings or opinions.
Tabloids – A compact paper, designed to appeal to a mass audience.
Text – Any media product (e.g. advert, photo, film, video game, web page …) or piece of writing.
Values and ideologies – Systems of beliefs which determines how power relations are organised within a society.
Strap line – A few word sentences to accompany a brand or product.
Sweet but not to sweet
Mock Up
This is my mock up of what my front cover of my magazine will look like, i created this using serif page plus, I did several stages to get this final image:
- Firstly I added a rectangle box to fit the whole of the page which i then coloured black for my background.
- I then added a blue star in each corner for decoration one being the logo the other the date and price but beens as it is a school magazine it will be free.
- I also added a pink rectangle box for my masterhead to go in.
- I then added three 14 point stars for the puffs i then coloured them green to stand out so people want to read my magazine.
- I then added two boxes were i would like my images to be i also made the outline green so the images and out form the black background.
- I lastly placed a barcode where my barcode would eb so tht i no it fits there and looks professional.
Work completed by Samantha Ryan.