Monday 5 October 2009


I wrote a questionnaire to help me with my research for my school magazine. i wrote the questionnaire to find out peoples opinions on magazines and what they would want from a magazine and why they purchase that magazine. I asked questions on why they would buy it, what attracts them to that magazine, what price range do would they pay, what they want from that magazine also if they take any tips from the magazine they buy. i did a questionnaire about magazines to see what other people think should be inside magazines and to see what different magazines people are interested in. i also asked what magazines they like, films and music as it will give more of a background to what kind of peopkle listen to different music,films etc. i think by doing this questionnaire it will help me with the magazine cover i will be designing as i know what will interest people and catch their eye.


  • What gender?
  • What age?
  • What music do you like?
  • What films do you like?
  • Do you read magazines? (yes/no)
  • What magazines do you like? (Cars, fashion, gossip etc.)
  • Why do you buy this magazine?
  • Do you read through the magazine properly or flick through?
  • What kinds of things would you like to find inside a magazine?
  • Do you pick a magazine from what the cover looks like? (yes/no)
  • Do you pick the same magazine regularly? (yes/no)
  • What accommodation do you live in?
  • What would you like to see in your school magazine?
  • Do you buy a magazine by the price of it? (yes/no)
  • What price you willing to pay for a magazine?

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