Friday 9 October 2009

Mock Up

This is my mock up of what my front cover of my magazine will look like, i created this using serif page plus, I did several stages to get this final image:

  • Firstly I added a rectangle box to fit the whole of the page which i then coloured black for my background.
  • I then added a blue star in each corner for decoration one being the logo the other the date and price but beens as it is a school magazine it will be free.
  • I also added a pink rectangle box for my masterhead to go in.
  • I then added three 14 point stars for the puffs i then coloured them green to stand out so people want to read my magazine.
  • I then added two boxes were i would like my images to be i also made the outline green so the images and out form the black background.
  • I lastly placed a barcode where my barcode would eb so tht i no it fits there and looks professional.

Work completed by Samantha Ryan.

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