Tuesday 20 October 2009

Contents Page

This is my first attempt at a contents page, After looking at this I realised that there was no page numbers so it didn’t look like a contents page, I then decided I didn’t like the layout of the images.

After looking at my first trial I then decided to take off the picture of the dancers as I had already got a picture of them on my front page, I then decided to move the footballers group photo to the bottom rather than the top, I then replaced that with a picture of myself the editor and a space for the blurb. I also added age numbers so that it makes it easier to get to the specific story they might want to read.

I then moved the image slightly up the page so that it caught the attention of the readers and so it looked more professional, I then added my blurb. I added the blurb so that it tells you about the editor and what the magazine is about. I then moved the date from vertical to horizontal so that it fits across the bottom of the page and is easier to read.

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