Friday 16 October 2009

Buzz Magazine Final Cover Redone

This was the cover i created which i was going to use as the final piece but then i decided to play around with it and came up with an even better one than this. The final piece is shown below.

This is the final cover of the school magazine i have created which is shown at the left. The first time i started it the colours were very over powering and colourful so i changed them to more of a plain theme. i used a white background and red and black writing. I used red stars to put the puffs inside to connect to the pictures that are added to the the cover. I added the schools logo on the cover to show it is part of the school and called it Buzz News. I put the schools slogon under neath the masterhead and added a website address for students to find the magazine. i faded the edges of the pictures to help blend into the white background to make it look more professional. To make my headline stand out i used footprints to go around the page but it also is to do with the head line as it is to do with giving shoes to Africa. As i used stars for my puffs i made the start of the headline 'BE A STAR' to help the theme of the cover flow. The price and barcode is put at the left hand coner of the cover to make the page more affected and real. Under the masterhead i added the date of when the magazine was published so that it made it look like a real cover.

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