Tuesday 6 October 2009


Religion________(if any)
Do you read or buy any magazines____(yes/no)

1. If making a school magazine, Does the front cover have to have the same colours as the schools? Why?
• Yes/no
• Maybe
2. Do you expect it to be similar to some other big magazines?
• Yes/no
• A bit
• Should be our way
3. If asked to help design it, would you agree?
• Yes/no
4. What designs should be the Puffs be in?
(Puffs are little information on the front cover letting you know what's inside the magazine)
• Stars
• Circles
• Any
5. Where should be the bar code be?
• Top right hand corner
• Bottom left hand corner
• Anywhere suitable
6. Should it be both girlish and boyish?
• Yes/no
7. What size should it be?
• A4
• A3
• A bit bigger but not too much
8. Do you expect to see well shot pictures on it?
• Yes/no
9. In the contents, do you expect much writing?
• Yes/no
10. What should stand out on the front cover?
• The mast head
• Photography
• Poofs
11. Would you purchase it? Why?
• Yes/no
12. Should the prize tag be on the front cover as the other magazines? Why?
• Yes/no/maybe
13. What should be the colour scheme be like?
• Bright
• Dull
• Interesting
14. Should it have the number issue as some other huge magazines? Why?
• Yes/no
• Maybe
15. On the front cover, should it include its own website? Why?
• Yes/no
• Maybe
16. In the contents, do you thing adding pictures would be good? Why?
• Yes/no
17. Where do you think the main picture should be?
• Centre
• Wherever suitable
• Don’t mind
18. What can be the main picture be of?
• Head teacher
• Students
• Anything going on with the school
19. Does everything on it have to relate to the school? Why?
• Yes/no
20. What should it be specifically be aimed at?
• The school
• Community surroundings
• Everyone

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