Thursday 10 December 2009

Creating out double page spread. page 1

Stages of making our double page spread.

We started off by opening a blank serif page plus document, we then created a grey box in which we are going to use as the background. We then decided on a colour scheme of grey,white,black and blue. we chose these colours because they match our clothing on the image we chose to use. We then added the name of the magazine at the bottom of the page in order to make it look professional.

We then played around with the fonts for the main section of the articles, after we positioned the image we then chose to put our first set of text across the page.

We then decided we would play around with colour because we thought that maybe it would stand out more than the black, we then decided to change the position of the text as it didnt look like a magazine article.

We then decided to change the text back to black as you could not make out what the masthead said when the text was in pink. We then decided to add a large puff which was taken from part of the main article.

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