Friday 18 December 2009

magazine evaluation.

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge form and convention or real media? With different colours and choice of bands. I included a date and barcode which I never really notice on magazines but when pointed out I realised without them my magazine wouldn’t sell because the barcodes need to be scanned to purchase and the date so you know if the magazine is last weeks or how often they send out issues.

How does it represent them?
My magazine is mostly for females because of the fact all the bands are females so they can relate to them. I think its for middle class because of the fact all the people are the same until they were famous and some still are plus the quizzes and prizes because they don’t have enough money to pay for some for the prizes they offer.

What kind of media institution might distribute your product and why?
My magazine represents the middle class because at the end of the magazine it has many quizzes and prizes to be won which upper class wouldn’t need as they have the money to buy those things. My music genre is also targeted at middle class not upper class because upper class generally listen to classic where as mine is rather punk, Indie, metal. I have targeted my magazine at any race because of its multi genre and layout throughout. I have aimed it at mostly females as the bands are all female but with the hint as masculinity in its colours and choice of background. And for any sexuality. Basically anyone who buys IPC magazines. I think the photos i used represent rock because of the style (brick walls) colours (brown, black). I chose to keep the magazine plain but effective to look more professional like a micro.

What kind of media institution might your product and why?
My music magazine is an IPC magazine because even though it’s a magazine for all genres’ it is mostly rock. IPC magazines are Kerrang.

Who would be the audience for your media product?
The audience of my magazine are teenagers to young adults, 14 -21. I asked the age range I chose what music they listen to, how many magazines they buy and why they buy them to see if I could include what they like to make it better. I also looked at several magazines that sell mostly to the same age range and take what they include and how they present it. I also chose this audience because if I changed the price to lower then the magazine out there now that are also IPC magazines then might buy mine because of the lower price too.

How did you attract/address your audience?
I attracted my audience by choosing a layout that suited any genre but more mostly rock like my band. I included quizzes and goodies to attract people to want to buy the magazine. I included a basic masthead to stand out, look pro fissional and suite all genres.

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
I used paint and photo plus to manipulate my photos and background image by adding and changing colour, shape and rotation. I did not use the chroma key because I decided to change the colour of the photo to suite my genre and the background.

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
I have learnt that using serif photo plus and page plus isn’t easy as using paint but more effective. I have improved abit with my photo manipulation and making everything look more professional.

How would your improve your product?
I would change my photos and take them with the chroma key to change the background. And take different photos to make it look like the photo shoot was with the band together and more professional.

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