Friday 18 September 2009

Hot of The Press Definitions

•Negativity- is it bad news?
•Unexpectedness- is it rare or unexpected?
•Continuity- has the story already been defined as news and covered previously? Will it have on going Impact?
•Threshold or size- Is it a big event or one which involves large numbers of people.
•Frequency- what length of time does the event cover? Will it fit the broadcast/publication schedule?
•Immediacy- Has it happened recently?
•Personalisation- Does it focus on a particular person? Is it a human interest story?
•Unambiguity- is the event straight forward and easy to understand?

•Consonance- Does the event match the media expectations
•Reference to the élite- Does the story cover a powerful nation, organization or person? The more famous or powerful the more newsworthy
•Composition- Will it balance other news? A human survival story world balance a number of stories concerning death or suffering
•Meaningfulness- Is it culturally close to us in Britain? How much meaning does it have for the audience?

Work Completed By Samantha Ryan and Tarran Payne

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