Friday 18 September 2009

Photographs/Camera Shot

Me and Ben went around the school taking different types of photographs experimenting the types of angles.The top left photo is a long shot which is a wide shot or a shot where the subject is in the distance. The top right photograph is a low angle so the silhouette and the low amount of light makes the photo look eerie so this still would look great in a horror magazine. The middles left photo is a medium shot is a still shot of a conversation this shows the head, shoulders and chest in the frame. The middle right photo is a shot of a canted angle the photographers who use it use it to get a close up of a fight for example. The next photo is a birds eye view shot or aerial shot this is use for looking straight down we noticed that you get more of the background in this shot, you can take pictures of a subject and get more detail in too. The photo in the bottom right is an extreme long shot, this type of shot would work well in a garden magazine.

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