Tuesday 22 September 2009

the magazine

  • mast head: star
  • strap line: star's crazy meltdowns.
  • This front cover is showing the true side side of some of the celebrities now. how they get on with the people they work or associate with. It's basically tshowing the audience what the celebrity life can be like if they work too hard.
  • Buzz words- talking about what you can also find inside. and things that are coming up.

audience- mostly female, middle aged, working class.

about the reader of this magazine:

Their breakfast would be healthy barn flakes- to keep up with their favourite stars.

They would drive any type of car, depending with the job they have. Live in an home they can afford.drink 100% juices. Their Tv show would be E News because they want to hear want some celebrities are up to. The type of music they listen to would be an latest songs coming up. their favourite meal would something that gooes with their pockects. Not many women are into sport. They would probarly have a boyfriend because they dig deep to want their favourite celebrities do to their men. if going on a holiday it would be somewhere sunny like Ibiza because thats where most celebrities go. Women always change their minds on certain things so they will probarbly vote. If going out they would go to any bar/club of their own choice- probarly the one they like most or can afford.

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